

9 following
ALL YOU CUTE 115lb EMO BOYS SHOULD CONTACT ME~~~I'LL ROCK UR WORLD!!! - See IM's in this About Me! If you ask me to add you, then you must have vids of some kind! If not, then sorry!

I'm GAY and have been since I was born!!! If ur not into it...then BYE BYE pretties.

Love chatn with interesting people from Germany to France to Spain to China to Belgium to Canada. Love chatn with hot boys in the states too! I'm especially into hot young brits and Aussies, and just love the french!!! Of course there is no doubt "if you are a sk8r punk", then you will have my FULL ATTENTION!!! EMO Boys RULE, so you EMO boys into older guys, look me up!

MySpace = www.myspace.com/sk8ur4ever
Yahoo = yanabokim
MSN = yanabokim@hotmail.com

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