The Rick Lax Show

I try to post at least ONE awesome thing every single day. Sometimes it's a video, sometimes it's a story. Basically, I try to be the most entertaining and informative channel on YouTube. I've done magic since I was 5. Then school, then lawyers, then writing, then back to magic.

Rick Lax began studying the art of deception at five years of age. Which is a fancy way of saying, Rick’s parents bought him a Toys-R-Us magic set when he was in kindergarten. Unlike most boys, Rick didn’t trash the tricks after a week; he practiced, performed, and only stopped for the occasional piano lesson. (This, too, was the parents’ doing.)

Rick performed magic and music throughout grade school: He served as Andover High’s Marching Band Drum Major, wrote and directed a musical called Coffee Break (which featured Andover’s principal playing a narcoleptic landlord), and performed the first half of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue by memory.

Fool Us Trophy (For Fooling Penn & Teller)
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