Mocap Meerkat

Listen up, meerkat boys and girls - the professor's in! I'm here to teach you about 3D animation and the dark art of motion capture. (Yes, we have our own dark arts teacher, and it's me.)

I'm excited to share my knowledge and experience with you all. I got my first start in animation in 2002, back when the tutorial content was both scarce and expensive. Today there is a bunch of free video tutorials out there, so I intend to produce tutorials about topics that aren't frequently covered elsewhere.

I am fortunate to work at a university with a robust motion capture lab. We specialise in both body motion capture via a Motion Analysis system, as well as facial performance capture via Vicon Cara and Faceware systems.

In addition to teaching at the university, I also own and manage K. Amani Fine Jeweller, a custom jewellery business in my hometown of Auckland, New Zealand. Keep an eye out for some videos about 3D modeling for jewellery, as well!