• 11 years ago
Shannon & John had a baby! http://theshortlink.com/your.encore.career

Great news – right?

Somehow these things don’t always come at the perfect time.

You see they were dead broke.

Shannon was explaining to me that it took her more time every day to be broke then it does now to be prosperous.

The simple task of paying their gas bill took four hours.

The utilities stopped taking their checks because they had too many problems.

They didn’t have a car so she had to take a bus to the Wal-Mart pay station and pay the bill in person with cash.

I don’t know if you have ever gone through rough times but we sure have.

The turning point for Shannon and John was when they decided to get into their own home business.

Can you start a business when you are broke?

They did!

Look, if you really want to change you situation like Shannon did, then you find a way.

You put in the time necessary to make it happen.

They found everything they needed here – http://theshortlink.com/your.encore.career

She was sick and tired of living broke.

With a new baby they had to make some drastic changes.

Can I say that the situation they were in was only one year ago!

They are now making more money than they ever have!

And have all the time in the world to spend with their toddler.

You can make a change too.

Start earning the kind of money you deserve.

It’s not too late for you. Get started now - http://theshortlink.com/your.encore.career