Woman Charged After Stealing Change From Fountain

  • 11 years ago
In one recent report, a woman in Bellefontaine, Ohio landed in court for petty theft after she stole some change from a public fountain.

In these tough economic times, some people have to undertake desperate measures to buy necessary items. In one recent report, a woman in Bellefontaine, Ohio landed in court for petty theft after she stole some change from a public fountain.

Deidre Romine is accused of stealing exactly $2.87 from the water pouring statue which is located outside the Logan County Courthouse. The incident occurred on October 7th.

An officer reportedly caught her in the act and confronted her. Romine claimed she was initially afraid to tell the cop what she was doing. She later admitted to swiping the change, claiming she needed the money to buy food for herself and four cats, as she doesn’t have a job and is about to lose her home.

The officer conducted a search and located the small amount of money in her pocket. She was immediately charged with petty theft and given a summons for a court appearance.

Although it’s hoped the case will be resolved before it goes to trial, in the meantime Romine can take comfort in knowing that the community around her is offering support. Since the heartbreaking story has spread, thousands of dollars have come in as donations.