Aid pours into the Philippines but remote villages are yet to be reached

  • 11 years ago
Survivors of super typhoon Haiyan are being evacuated from devastated areas as aid begins to pour into the Philippines.

An estimated 10,000 people are thought to have died in the storm which tore through the island nation’s central region – but rescue workers are struggling to reach remote coastal villages.

The city of Tacloban appears to have born the brunt of the 300 kph winds and massive storm surges – up to 80 percent of everything in Haiyan’s path was destroyed.

Thousands have been displaced and millions affected by one of the world’s worst storms.

With no water, food, medicines or shelter the need is desperate. Everyone from the old to the very young is now struggling to survive.

But aid is beginning to arrive from an international response which is quickly gearing into action.

Shipments of blankets and tarpaulins are among the first necessities being sent from Malaysia and Germany.

And around 90 US marines and sailors are headed to the Philippines with Washington promising additional assistance over the next few days.
