• 18 years ago
Somebody Stole my Gal Paul and his Gang 2003

In this short version of Somebody Stole my Gal pianist Kiki Desplat gets a chance for a piano solo ( Kiki actually is the band's second cornettist, but the band hasn't got filmclips in that setting yet)
Paul and his Gang are from Malmo, Sweden and this track was filmed in 2003
Paul Strandberg plays trumpet, Dymitr Markiewicz is on trombone, Lars-Erik Ström plays the Frankie Trumbauer verse on the alto sax and in the rhythm section are Dennis Johnsson on banjo, Jonas Eilert on sousaphone and Marie-Christine « Kiki » Desplat from Paris on piano.
For more information on the band and to obtain their recordings go their website

