• 6 years ago
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APOIO: WooWoo.TV - http://on.fb.me/tFL2AI

Depois de um intervalo de 5 anos, o projecto ROSANEGRA reaparece com um novo CD e uma proposta surpreendentemente renovada. E se o primeiro álbum, "Fado Ladino", editado "worldwide" pela editora anglo-americana ARC e tão celebrado e premiado pela crítica nacional e internacional (ver citações no fim do texto), encontrou as estirpes fadistas no nosso passado sefardita e moçárabe, o novo "FADO MUTANTE" sugere uma linguagem mais intemporal mas formalmente mais contemporânea, perspectivando o fado como um ser vivo que, pela sua condição, sempre há-de estar em permanente mudança. O resultado final é subtil e arrebatador, cool e apaixonado, ressonância duma diáspora passada e futura.

A banda dirigida pelo músico / compositor Rui Filipe, transformou-se num colectivo entusiasmante em que a voz de Jonas, tão íntima quanto desgarrada, o violoncelo e o clarinete de Sandra Martins, o violino de Cindy, o acordeão, os teclados e as guitarras de Rui Filipe, são os principais protagonistas. Além deste núcleo duro, outros músicos e convidados colaboraram na feitura destas novas pétalas de ROSANEGRA, duas mãos cheias de canções originais, sugestões de fados que hão-de-ser, ora sombrios ora luminosos, mas sempre com luz própria.

Sobre "Fado Ladino", o álbum que antecede a Fado Mutante, já foi escrito na imprensa internacional:

"... this splendid, splendid album ... Really, everything in this adventurous music is great."

- Moors Magazine

"Fado Ladino by ROSANEGRA is the album I´ve been waiting for, a fado album that dares to experiment with instrumentation and arrangements, unafraid of whatever backlash might come from fado purists. People keep telling me I should like the Portuguese chamber group, Madredeus, but I find them too formal; ROSANEGRA is more intense and adventurous, with touch of the Middle East in their swirling strings."

- Charlie Gillett, in BBC World Service

"ROSANEGRA is a young Portuguese group that offers us a "fado novo", a new fado which goes beyond the typical fado of Amália Rodriques, Mariza and Cristina Branco as well as the fado of Misia. Ladino is a musical tradition of the Jewish communities of Andalusia, in Spain.
In naming their CD Fado Ladino, the group indicates that their music is a fusion of music of Jewish, Andalusian and Portuguese origins, including rhythms of Oriental and Mediterranean origins as well.
The singer of the group, Carmo, started as a fado singer, of which she is very good. She even sings two songs popularized by Amália Rodriques. She is accompanied by a pianist and accordeonist, a trumpet player, a percussionist who mainly plays the darbouka, a typical instrument from the Middle-East. Right from the start, we notice the Oriental songs, while feeling the melancholic expression of the fado, although the typical rhythms can distract us from the fado feelings. Carmo has a warm and deep voice which shows that she is an accomplished artist."
- La Scena Musicale

"It's really only the singing on this disc that conjures up the blue moods of Portuguese fado music. ROSANEGRA vocalist Carmo has the same emotion-drenched tones as great fadistas past and present, exquisitely bending and shaping these songs of love, pain and destiny.
As far as instrumentation goes, fado purists might be disappointed at the absence of Portuguese guitars or any other kind. Instead there's piano, accordion, violins, trumpet and Arabic percussion creating a lushness that bespeaks the lasting Moorish influence on Iberian music as well as tempering fado's characteristic sadness with a cabaret-like swing suggestive of music from both the European and North African sides of the Mediterranean.
Lively but exceptionally heartfelt as well, ROSANEGRA (whom the liner notes label a novo fado "project" as opposed to, I guess, a band) smartly blend sweet vocals with tart rhythms to create a captivating sound that gets you deep down inside and gets your blood pumping too.
The slow, relatively unadorned closing track "O Teu Jeito De Me Amar" comes closest to traditional fado, but the journey up to and including that point is brimming with beauty. Recommended."

via: http://tinyurl.com/cwjk7tv

Tune in again tomorrow!

