Hemp Music - Get On Board The Hemp Revival - Hemp The Environmentally Sustainable Alternative

  • 11 years ago
Get On Board The Hemp Revival - Hemp Music - The Hemp SeeDee - Celebrating Many uses of Hemp - The Environmentally Sustainable Alternative

words, music & recording by James Gordon,
published by Pipe Street Publishing, ©2002
In the Key of "A"

Many years ago, Hemp was grown
Everywhere and we don't know why
It's been so hard to get
Folks to see that it's
The rope kind not the dope kind.

It's clean - It's organic -
It's safe - don't panic!
You can make anything from it
It's a miracle plant-
There's nothing hemp can't
Do we know you'll love it


The Earth has a chance for survival
It's not just a fantasy
If you get on board the hemp revival
You can save a planet, if you plant a seed
If you get on board the hemp revival
You can save a planet, if you plant a seed.

The laws that have stopped
Us from growing hemp crops
Have left us far behind
In finding a way that'll
Be Sustainable
I think that you'd find

It'd be the planet's loss if
We use fuel from fossils
We'd increase the odds,
Of being survivors
If we made oil and fiber
From the plant of the gods.


You can't beat it you can eat it as a substitute for meat it's
Very wearable it's terrible that now it isn't shareable
With everyone bur when it comes we know that it'll stay!
As a solution for pollution we know hemp will lead the way!
All vocals and music played and recorded by James Gordon


