Hemp War of 1812 - Hemp Music - Hemp The Environmentally Sustainable Alternative

  • 11 years ago
Hemp War of 1812 - Hemp Music "Celebrating Many uses of Hemp"
"Hemp The Environmentally Sustainable Alternative"

In the Key of "D"

Most recent articles about the "War of 1812" ask the question "who won the war?" and the clearest answer is that all the "Native Nations" of North America lost the most: their rights, land and respect.

Very few articles have focused on the cause of the war: Hemp and the Napoleonic Wars in Europe.

In those days ships were powered by wind, not oil. All ships used hemp sails to catch the wind and hemp ropes to hold the masts, anchors, sails, etc in place. Hemp was the strongest and most durable natural fiber available at that time.

The best and, thanks to serf labor, least expensive hemp came from Russia, though most countries, including Canada and the USA, grew some too. In fact, the Lieutenant General of Upper Canada in 1801 gave out free hemp seed to any farmer willing to grow it, as he saw the need for supplying the British Navy, both on the Great Lakes and on the ocean. Some of it went wild (feral) and still survives on farms north of Lake Ontario.

Neutral American ships got used as carriers for the British to buy hemp from Russia when Napoleon closed Russia's ports to British ships. Then President Madison declared war when Britain banned Americans from trading with France, starting the Hemp War of 1812.

"In 1813, the Americans took a trip, across Lake Ontario to steal a lot of hemp. First they captured old Fort York (Toronto), the Royal Ship burned down, Then they went to harbourfront to see what could be found. They filled 14 ships full of hemp sails and hemp rope, burning all the rest before they torched the town down. The Brits got so mad seeing parliament a-burnin', "REVENGE!" they cried and burned the White House down."

The loss of the ship and all the hemp, much of it destined for the fleet on Lake Erie, caused the British Navy to lose battles on Lakes Erie and Huron , a hemp mill near Windsor, and thus left Southwest Ontario open to invasion by American forces.

Please show me the role of hemp in a common textbook about the War of 1812. It's exclusion points to a conscious decision to cover up the role of this G-d given plant to sustain human life on Earth since earliest history

Like leaving the vital role of Native Peoples out of the textbooks taught to our children has caused and allowed us to treat Native Peoples as second class citizens in their own (stolen) land, with many not even having potable water while corporations rake in profits from the land and resources stolen from them.

Leaving hemp's role in our past out of the history books has thrown us into dependence on imports, polluting chemicals and oil. Hemp can be the alternative that revives Canadian sovereignty if people want it. For more about hemp's use locally, please see HempSeeDee.com

The Cool Hemp Company

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