Israel's 'aggressive operations' on Golan Heights kill one and injure eight

  • 10 years ago
One person has reportedly been killed and eight wounded in Israeli air strikes on Syrian military sites in Golan Heights.

Israel captured and annexed part of the Golan from Syria in 1967 in a move not recognised abroad.

Wednesday’s attack is apparently in retaliation for a roadside bombing that wounded four of Israel’s armed forces.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared intent on delivering a message to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

“The targets were Syrian forces who not only allowed, but also collaborated in, attacks on our troops,” he said. “Our policy is very clear; we hurt those who hurt us and, as far as possible, we will also thwart the transfer of arms at sea and by air. From time to time we are required to carry out aggressive operations – as we have just done – in order to ensure the calm.”

The wounding of the soldiers on the strategic plateau marks Israel’s worst casualties there since 2011, and adds a dangerous new dimension to Syria’s ongoing civil war.

Tuesday’s bombing ended what had previously been a stable, decades-old stand-off between the two adversaries.
