Drinking Water - Summer Body Hydration with Alkaline Water

  • 10 years ago
Give us a call if you have questions 1-866-745-5743 or check out the AlkaMate portable water alkalizer at http://healthierliving4you.com/products/alkamate-portable-alkalizer/alkamate-fb/

We all need to drink water as we are made up of at least 70% water. Water is so important to the body and especially drinking alkaline water.

Drinking water rejuvenates us and helps carry nutrients around the body where it is needed and helps eliminate waste from within our body. Did you know our brain function greatly depends on being hydrating?

It keeps our muscles from tensing up, ask any massage therapist that has a someone with a cramped muscle, they will say drink more water.

Now drinking alkalized water we have found to super beneficial to the body. People seem to be more hydrated, they have more energy and they are just feeling good!

That's because we are getting them hydrated and also helping to put something alkalizing in their body. When our body is alkaline, it feels and works best. No disease can live in an alkaline environment, but thrives in an acidic environment.

Did you know alkaline water is also good for your pets? Well, it is!

You need to drink water! Keep a glass or an AlkaMate close to you at all times and that will help you to remember to drink water.

We recommend filtered alkaline water with the AlkaMate!

When using the AlkaMate please remember you are helping the environment from using plastic water bottles that just get put into our landfills and oceans.
