• 10 years ago

The house, gardens and famous lily pond of Impressionist artist Claude Monet can be visited seven months out of the year. It's generally nine euros fifty eurocents for an adult to enter. Try to get there a bit before the 9:30 am opening. Giverny has many things to see, is about 80 km from Paris, you can get there by train and there is shuttle bus and taxi service to and from the station, you can stay in Giverny overnight or for several days, and it's a very pretty region. Driving through an area from Paris, an area known as the Vexin, is so pretty, and as Normandy begins and the River Seine flows (you can enjoy boat touring here, certainly) you can go a bit crazy with all there is to see, do and enjoy.

I left the soundtrack unaltered here so you can hear the frogs on an April Monday morning shouting one another down. It was really loud, and I could see them, too, surfacing every few minutes to croak at their rivals.

copyright 2014 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A.
Dailymotion: LisaFalour

Maison du Tourisme
80, rue Claude Monet
27620 Giverny FRANCE
Telephone +33(°2 32 64 45 01

The Monet house and gardens are usually open from the very end of March until November 1 each year. The last daily entry ticket is sold at 5:30 pm. Allow yourself a couple of hours to see the house and huge, stunning gardens. Take your art kit along!

