• 10 years ago
I'm an American expat, in France to live and work since 1994, a French citizen since 1999. Scenes were being filmed in the huge Saint-Denis market, which runs three times per week and dates back to the Dark Ages. Saint-Denis is just North of Paris and has a border contiguous, and was an important walled city. It could be considered the first capital of France before Paris and has an interesting history.

Over by the Legion of Honor, those were, indeed, catering trucks, and I watched crew going back to the trailer area with food. I heard crew and staff speaking both French and English. StudioPhil was marked on the crew sets. The signs on them were in English.

I waited for almost an hour, but no bus came. They'd been stopped in city center due to major works, and traffic, which has been limited for automobiles for years now, is also burdened by the market, and yes, movies. I enjoyed talking to an old man about his life in the city and up in Saint-Brice. He's seen much change, and I have, too, in 20 years here.

I ended up walking home, which took an hour, I am so disabled. I had to sit down and rest at one point. My days are numbered.

copyright 2014 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A.
Dailymotion: LisaFalour