NASA's 2020 Mars Rover Will Make Oxygen, Look For Alien Life

  • 10 years ago
NASA has revealed some of the features on the newest Mars rover, scheduled to land on our neighboring red planet in the year 2020. The upgraded version of the Mars Curiosity Rover will have seven technological innovations that were announced at a press conference.

NASA has revealed some of the features on the upcoming Mars rover, scheduled to depart for our neighboring red planet in the year 2020.

The Mars 2020 rover will be based on the successful Curiosity rover design and will include seven technological innovations that were recently announced at a press conference.

One of the features is a machine called a ‘MOXIE’ that will attempt to produce oxygen from the carbon dioxide atmosphere of Mars to be stored for jet fuel or for humans to breathe when they first arrive.

Also included on the Mars 2020 rover are two advanced hi-tech cameras to get an even better view of what it’s like on the planet’s surface, including extra close up zooming capabilities and compound analysis.

Two spectrometers known by the acronyms SHERLOC, and PIXL will also be able to analyze organic compounds, rocks, and dust for signs of life.

The current Mars Curiosity Rover wheels have had some issues with rocks on the Martian surface, so the newer version will be upgraded to be more durable.


