Largest Pierogi Created In Pittsburgh

  • 10 years ago
Pierogies are dough dumplings that can be stuffed with a variety of things, including potatoes, cheese, meat and even fruit. Now Pittsburgh is home to the largest one ever created thus far.

Pierogies, as many of you would know, are dough dumplings that can be stuffed with a variety of things, including potatoes, cheese, meat and even fruit. Now Pittsburgh is home to the largest one ever created.

Guinness World Records has confirmed that chefs at Rivers Casino are behind the world’s most massive pierogi. It took them more than a year to plan, prepare and finally complete the dumpling which is said to be 123 pounds.

Richard Marmion, who is the executive chef remarked “We started with 60 pounds of mashed potatoes and 42 pounds of dough. It was quite a challenge. The planning and the pre-planning and the testing were probably the biggest part.”

He went on to say the actual assembling and cooking were the easiest parts. As part of that final process, the clump of dough was shaped by hand to fit into a custom made 27-by-36-inch vessel.

Once that was done more than 80 pounds of mashed potatoes, flavored with cheddar cheese was placed onto the rolled dough.

It was then folded over to make a half moon shape and the edges were hand-crimped. From there, the giant pierogi was placed into hot water.

The chefs kept the liquid simmering to ensure the pierogi didn’t blow apart. It was then oven baked for an hour and a half, weighed and declared a record breaker.
