• 18 years ago
Pourquoi devenir végétarien-ne ou végétalien-ne :


keywords: mtv punk-rock dub reggae ska band Goldfinger super musique chanson crazy song behind the mask free me we feed the world notre pain quotidien volem rien foutre al païs great conscious music video clip conscient liberdade freedom libertà libertad Freiheit حرية activism acitivisme activists activistes Aktivist Aktivist activista activismo attivista abuse policemen police policiers flics keufs spole bobinas Spindeln cops polis policía полиция polícias 경찰 警察 polizia αστυνομία Polizei politie شرطة manifestation riot factory farms slaughterhouses wwf droits des animaux animal rights dead animals animales animali dead animais tiere dieren djur حيوانات ζώα животные 動物 동물smash hls huntingdon life science hamburger cheeseburger bigmac mcdodnald's murderers killers meurtre viande meat carne fleisch vlees κρέας لحمة мясo foie gras eggs uova ägg huevos ovos αυγά eier eieren بيضات яйцa milk lait milch لبن mjölka leche молоко leite latte γάλα melk cows vaches коровы mucche αγελάδες kühe أبقار koeien vacas poules دجاج hennen hens hühner κότες galline курицы gallinas hönor sheep 綿 羊 خروف moutons får ovejas овцы carneiros 양 ヒツジpecore πρόβατα Schafe schapen torture tortyr tortura пытка βασανιστήρια Folterung تعذيب marteling slavery esclavage esclavitud slaveri σκλαβιά sklaverei rodeos circuses laboratories wool fur trade fourrure epiel pele Pelz bont pälsfodra pelliccia spécisme speciesism Speziesmus Antispeziemus non violence gandhi buddha compassion People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals peter singer tom thomas regan ethical revolution végétarisme vegetarianism vegetarian végétarien veganismus vegans veganism alf liberation front peta

