• 11 years ago
what a way to go out! w00t! cheers to all.

The establishment hasn't changed in hundreds of years. If you think outside the box, you'll be rejected and scorned. If you PROVE something outside the box, you won't get credit unless you're part of the system to begin with.

I hereby issue an ONGOING challenge to my viewers and readers.

It is now falling upon you to spread the truth in the world, in the news, and on the internet.

It is time for YOU to start your own blog, website, youtube channel, zeeklytv channel, twitter account, facebook page, dailymotion account or similar..

It is time for you to record a video every now and then on topics you find, and upload it to the aforementioned choice of sites to share on.

I'm asking you to stop being readers and viewers, and start being amateur investigators. Post the news you find, and things you find via a video and/or website post, then share it with everyone on facebook and twitter!

You can make up a new screenname handle that is not your personal name... and use free screen recording software from screencast-o-matic or similar to make a quick video.

You can edit your video for free using "Windows movie maker" .

If you don't have windows movie maker, download it for free directly from microsoft here:


Download screencastomatic here:


Setup a youtube page here:


Setup a Zeeklytv page here:


Setup a dailymotion account here:


Setup a free website here:


Setup a free blog here:


Buy your own .com if you're really feeling proactive

Any service is fine (register.com , godaddy etc.) .. I personally went through Godaddy to buy "dutchsinse.com". Its only a few dollars to buy your domain name.
