Earth changes news.... severe weather, weather modification, geoengineering, earthquakes, fracking, radio frequency, solar, and space events
4/10/2018 -- Central Italy M4.7 Earthquake + swarm -- Warned area has now been hit
6 years ago
4/09/2018 -- Earthquake Update -- Pacific Unrest + Oklahoma superfracture at Fracking Operations
6 years ago
4/08/2018 -- Global Earthquake Forecast -- Pacific plate unrest spreads to USA + Europe
6 years ago
ALERT! Channel hit by False Flagging censorship! Destinws2 aka Smarter Every Day - CENSORS Antares Rocket explosion
8 years ago
Trainwreck - Amy Schumer + Bill Hader joke about "illuminati"
9 years ago
Underdog vs HAARP and Dr. Simon-Sinister :) GO SNOW!!
9 years ago
Nbc's Brian Williams (aka Em-cee B-Dubs) freestyles a snoop dog set (NBC super dank remix)
9 years ago
Scientists Confirm Fracking Causes Earthquakes, could grow larger
9 years ago
Stepping on Hawaiian Lava + Multiple HD lava views + Color Composites
10 years ago
OldMan-step -- Shed your crutches of fear -- Live life to its fullest :)
10 years ago
Tatoott1009 NEW INTRO -- Links to sites below
10 years ago
It now falls upon YOU to do something! Start posting online now! Links below!
10 years ago
Jim Carrey on SNL jokes MH370 + The Illuminati -- "Only one is telling the truth"
10 years ago
Nurse infected with Ebola lands in Maryland - transported to NIH
10 years ago
Dutchsinse and John Hutchison meet up + Power up the gear -- HIGH EMF DETECTED
10 years ago
Chinese MIND CONTROL -- "Shen Yun" Color / Flicker rate Brainwashing to "love" China
10 years ago
US Civil Defense - 'All about RADIOACTIVE fallout' - Saint Louis , MO nuclear SIMULATION!
10 years ago
Dutchsinse shooting guns for the first time! AK47 + AK74 -- Hitting X on the spot
10 years ago
1985 CNN Report on Radio Frequency (RF) Weapons + Weather Warfare
10 years ago
July 5th and 6th - The NON-VIOLENT Revolution begins - NO SPENDING
10 years ago
Builders of HAARP make deployable ELECTROMAGNETIC RAILGUN for the Navy
10 years ago
Dutchsinse and Tatoott1009 broadcast on Freedom Frequency 1871 (Friday's @ 8-10pm ET)
10 years ago
Main Stream Media Confirms Possible Salton Sea Volcanic eruption
10 years ago
3/20/2014 -- Mystery Plume explodes from New Mexico Military Base
10 years ago
Dutchsinse confirmed on Scalar RADAR , weather modificatition, and frequency plumes
10 years ago
Dutchsinse Radio Interview -- Weather Modification 101 (Seeding, CCN, and Radio Frequency)
10 years ago
Viewer made video -- Dutchsinse Flash Gordon Mashup
10 years ago
2/25/2014 -- CONFIRMED RADIATION in West Coast Ocean Water -- American Geophysical Union
10 years ago
2/24/2014 -- CNN Cancels Piers Morgan -- ".. from my cold, dead hands! " LOL
10 years ago
US Army shoots down INCOMING MORTARS using a mobile truck mounted laser
10 years ago