Tasbeeh Phiri Tay Dil Nhn Phiriya, Kalaam Abyat Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo RA

  • 10 years ago
By rolling beads heart is not awakened what use is holding beads Hoo
Acquired knowledge without respect what is gained from such knowledge’s seeds Hoo
Remaining in solitude nothing is achieved what is the point of solitudes you complete Hoo
Milk will not set without setting agent (Jaag) Bahoo even to red if you heat Hoo

Tasbeeh Phiri Tay Dil Nhn Phiriya Ki Laina Tasbeeh Pharrkay Hoo
Ilm Parrhaya Tay Adab Na Sikhya Ki Laina Ilm Nuu Parrh Kay Hoo
Chilway Katay Tay Kuch Na Khatiya Ki Laina Chiliyan Warr Kay Hoo
Jaag Bina Dudh Jamday Naahin Bahoo Bhanwain Laal Howan Karh Karh Kay Hoo

Abyat i Bahoo ابیات باھو ਅਬਿਯਾਤੇ ਬਾਹੂ, Hadrat Sultan Bahoo R.A
Hadhrat Sultan Bahoo (R.A )


