Молодой моряк, отслужил в военном флоте и вернулся домой, снял бушлат и бескозырку, переоделся в "гражданку" и решил немного погулять. Прогуливаясь по городу, он случайно увидел девушку, которая одна танцует на улице. Сначала он просто наблюдал за тем, как она классно танцует, но потом в нём "забурлила морская кровь", он не выдержал и "дал жару".
A young sailor, served in the Navy and went back home,
Has changed clothes in civil clothes and has decided to take a walk. Walking through the city, he accidentally saw one girl who dances in the street. First he simply observed of how she is dances, But then it has not sustained and began to dance with it.
A young sailor, served in the Navy and went back home,
Has changed clothes in civil clothes and has decided to take a walk. Walking through the city, he accidentally saw one girl who dances in the street. First he simply observed of how she is dances, But then it has not sustained and began to dance with it.