• 18 years ago
The foundation of Islam is based upon five matters:
1. Professing and believing no one is God except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; (that includes the belief in all the previous Prophets like Jesus, Moses, and Abraham..)
2. Prayer; Praying to Allah 5 times a day. Prayers include words of praise and thankfulness to God the creator, giver, forgiver and merciful.
3. Zakah; Paying (for the able) once a year a small portion of charity to the poor and the needy people.
4. Fasting; Fasting the month of Ramadan, Obeying Allah in this deed and feeling with the poor and needy by abstaining from food or drink from dawn to dusk.
5. Hajj; Going to Mecca (for the able) to perform the Hajj (pilgrimage) praying to Allah, commemorating Prophet Abraham's deeds, praising and thanking Allah for the countless endowments he sent.


