99 Names of Allah Noms de Dieu(French/Arabic/English)
The explanation of the attributes of Allah is as follows:
Existence: It is obligatory to believe that Allah exists and that there is no doubt in His Existence.He exists without a place.Time does not lapse on Allah.
Oneness: Allah is One without any partners.He is One in His Self, His Attributes, and His Actions.
Eternity: Allah is Eternal; there is no beginning to His Existence.He has existed since before the creation.
Everlastingness: Allah is Everlasting; His existence does not come to an end.He does not perish.
Non-neediness of others: Allah does not need any of His creations and they are all in need of Him.
Power: Allah has Power over everything.
Will: Everything that occurs in this world is by the Will of Allah.
Knowledge: Allah knows about all things before they occur.
Hearing: Allah hears all what is hearable, without an ear or any other organ.
Sight: Allah sees all what is seeable, without a pupil or any other organ.
Life: Allah is alive without a soul, skin, or heart.His Life is not similar to ours.He is alive and does not die.
Speech: Allah's Speech (Kalam) is without a tongue or lip.His Speech is not in a language, Arabic or anything else.His Speech does not resemble the speech of the humans.
Non-resemblance to the creations: Allah does not resemble the creations.
Allah knows best.
The explanation of the attributes of Allah is as follows:
Existence: It is obligatory to believe that Allah exists and that there is no doubt in His Existence.He exists without a place.Time does not lapse on Allah.
Oneness: Allah is One without any partners.He is One in His Self, His Attributes, and His Actions.
Eternity: Allah is Eternal; there is no beginning to His Existence.He has existed since before the creation.
Everlastingness: Allah is Everlasting; His existence does not come to an end.He does not perish.
Non-neediness of others: Allah does not need any of His creations and they are all in need of Him.
Power: Allah has Power over everything.
Will: Everything that occurs in this world is by the Will of Allah.
Knowledge: Allah knows about all things before they occur.
Hearing: Allah hears all what is hearable, without an ear or any other organ.
Sight: Allah sees all what is seeable, without a pupil or any other organ.
Life: Allah is alive without a soul, skin, or heart.His Life is not similar to ours.He is alive and does not die.
Speech: Allah's Speech (Kalam) is without a tongue or lip.His Speech is not in a language, Arabic or anything else.His Speech does not resemble the speech of the humans.
Non-resemblance to the creations: Allah does not resemble the creations.
Allah knows best.