Ukrainian artillery fire thwarts rebel plan to surround government troops in Debaltseve

  • 10 years ago
Medical services close to the eastern Ukrainian town of Debaltseve are coming under increasing strain as Ukrainian government forces and separatist rebels battle for control of the area.

Debaltseve is an important railway hub linking the rebel held towns of Donetsk and Luhansk.

The casualties keep on coming.

Colonel Ihor Ilkiv is from the Medical Service of Ukraine’s National Guard: “Every day, around 40 or 50 wounded guys are brought in, two, three or more of them seriously. We also get about 10 or more civilians a day.”

Latest reports suggest Ukranian artillery fire has repelled separatist attempts to encircle government troops and cut off any escape route back into Kyiv controlled territory.

NATO claims that hundreds of Russian tanks and armoured vehicles are deployed in eastern Ukraine.

The Kremlin denies involvement, but says some Russian volunteers are fighting alongside the rebels.
