EU Summit: Tsipras agrees to talk to creditors over Greek bailout

  • 10 years ago
European leaders have expressed caution about a new peace deal for eastern Ukraine as they wrapped up an informal summit in Brussels on Thursday.

Several officials said they were sceptical about whether a new ceasefire will hold after a similar deal last September broke down within days.

Leaders warned that the EU may impose further sanctions on Russia if the plan is not fully implemented.

Meanwhile Greece agreed to talk to its creditors to find a way out of its international bailout.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said preliminary talks could be held on Friday with the so-called troika.

“We disagree with the rules of the tough and tight fiscal discipline, with the Stability Pact. However we are obliged to respect them because they are founding rules of the EU Treaties. I think that this is the crucial compromise, the crucial combination; to respect the basic principles; the principles of democracy and rules,” said Tsipras.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Jun
