• vor 10 Jahren
https://de-de.facebook.com/rebeccafilm | Rebecca. Between loss and the search for closeness, between the sofa and the big city. Restless until she can finally sleep again.

Lise Wolle
Björn von der Wellen
Axel Siefer
Christin Nichols

Script/Director - Anna F. Kohlschütter
Producer - Maureen Adlawan
DoP - Bine Jankowski
Editing and Sounddesign - Gesa Hille
Sound - Ronny Müller
Music - Romain Vicente
Set Design - Ulrich Friedrichs
Costume - Johanna Blott
Make Up Artist - Stefanie Herstel

financed by ifs - international filmschool and NRW Filmstiftung

© ifs 2014 (www.filmschule.de)

Mit freundlicher Genehmigung durch Anna F. Kohlschütter
