No new survivors found in South Korea ferry disaster

  • 9 years ago
Originally published April 18, 2014

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No new survivors were found over Thursday evening as the official death toll reached 25. Reports say 278 people are still missing.

Divers working round the clock have been unable to enter the capsized ferry Sewol due to sea currents moving as fast as 10 kilometer per hour.

A Coast Guard attempt to feed a tube of oxygen into the ship had to abandoned Thursday due to weather conditions.

The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but South Korean media reports the ship may have made a sharp right turn before it began listing to port side.

Survivors describe hearing a loud impact sound and being jolted from their seats, consistent with the ship hitting some kind of object.

But investigators are also looking at how cargo containers were stowed on the ferry and whether the containers played a role in the disaster.

Two large, floating cranes have arrived on site, but bad weather also foiled attempts to lift the ferry with the cranes.

A new attempt to use the cranes to lift the almost completely submerged vessel is slated for Friday.


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