US Navy minisub Bluefin-21 deployed in search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370

  • 9 years ago
Originally published on March 31, 2014

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The Australian naval ship Ocean Shield will leave port Monday (March 31) to join the multinational search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 today with a high-tech autonomous submarine on board.

The US Navy sent the Bluefin-21 autonomous submarine to Australia last week where it will be deployed in the new search area just over 1,000 miles west of Perth.

This animation introduces the Bluefin-21

The mini-sub measures 0.6m by 4.93m and weighs 750kg. It is launched using a special harness.

It has a cruising speed of 4 knots and can operate for more than 20 hours on a single mission.

Operating at depths of up to 4,500m the bluefin scans the ocean floor uses a multitude of high-tech detection equipment including a multibeam echosounder, side scan sonar, a high-definition camera and a magnetometer.

The Bluefin is capable of scouring 100 km of ocean bed per day.

It has now been 23 days since flight MH370 disappeared. Authorities fear the 30-day life of the plane's black box flight recorder locator beacon will expire before the search equipment arrives in the new search area.


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