• 10 years ago
Make your pup is sleeping like a baby by making her a no-sew pet bed!

Items Needed:
• Pair of scissors
• 2 squares of t-shirt or polar fleece fabric (depending on dog size)
• A few needles
• 1 elastic
• Stuffing or old clothes
• Dressmaking pencil to trace fabric
1. Fold both squares of fabric in 4 and pin to stay in place
2. Take one folded square and trace a rounded corner shape
3. Cut fabric along line that was just created
4. Place cut piece of fabric on top of uncut pieces, trace and cut in same shape
5. Place equally cut circles on top of one another and pin together
6. Cut fringes around outside of circles
7. Unpin fabric
8. Fold one circle into fours, and wrap elastic around about 2/12 in. of fabric in center
9. Place that circle, elastic facing up and put other circle on top
10. Start knotting fringes together, leaving about 10 undone
11. Stuff the bed with old clothes or stuffing
12. Tie the finishing fringes
13. Fluff
