• 6 years ago
DENK performs the song "ES IS GUAD" for BalconyTV.
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The versatile musician often sings in Viennese dia- lect, but her lower austrian roots remain within.
“I grew up in a musical family,” says Birgit Denk. Records were always playing at their home in Hainburg - often dialect tracks, from the 50s to Wolfgang Ambros and Ludwig Hirsch – and her parents took her to see Austrian legends at the Stand Up Club Fischamend.
This early influence comes across in Denk’s music. For 15 years she has been touring with her band, covering everything from rock to the modern Wiener- lied (Viennese song), and charming audiences with her witty lyrics.
Despite singing in Viennese dialect, Denk still feels a connection to her home province. “My second home is in Schwechat,“ she says. „I’m actively involved with local musicians, establishments and initiatives.” Denk appreciates regional structures, but also plays a role on the national stage. Since 2014 she has been hosting a popular talk show “Denk mit Kultur” (Denk with culture).
Nowadays the singer lives in Burgenland, but her music continues to take her to Lower Austria. She recommends visiting for the Schrammel.Klang.Fes- tival in Litschau, the Musikfest in Waidhofen an der Thaya, and of course the Stand Up Club Fischamend where it all began for her, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year.




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