Scientists Find Oxygen Oasis Likely Similar To Those Existing Billions Of Years Ago

  • 9 years ago
Scientists can’t travel back in time to see what our planet was really like 2-and-a-half billion years ago, but a team of them came upon what may be the next best thing.

Scientists can’t travel back in time to see what our planet was like 2-and-a-half billion years ago, but one team came upon what may be the next best thing. 
They found an oxygen oasis at the bottom of an Antarctic lake, and believe it exists in a state similar to that flourished eons ago, ultimately making Earth what it is today.
The transition from being a planet with very little oxygen to one equipped with the kind of air capable of supporting advanced life began with tiny organisms. 
They had the gift of photosynthesis, an energy transforming skill that culminates in the