Ibrahim Ali: Francis Yeoh 'sombong dan bongkak'

  • 9 years ago
"I would like to refer to the MCA attack against me published in Malaysiakini, with regards to my statement in Kluang warning the government to be careful in giving big contracts to Chinese corporate figures.

"I said that because I was referring to an article about the 1Malaysia New Economic Model Seminar organised by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce Malaysia, published in the NST on Feb 9.

"In it, YTL Group managing director Francis Yeoh said: "There should be brutal competition for Malaysian business, (it needs such an) environment to thrive... the country can no longer have a little brother mentality where businesses are protected by the government. It has lured us into an economic model that cannot be sustained."

"That is what he said. He is advocating a form of 'brutal competition', where only the strong wins. Which means the government should abolish all forms of assistance, and do away with all subsidies.

In my opinion what he said is wrong. It is false. It's a statement that is arrogant, thankless and prideful."