Sustainable Development Goals 2030 to be Launched by UN - The Minute

  • 9 years ago
A new sustainable development agenda will be adopted by world leaders at a special summit this weekend at UN headquarters in New York. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will include the launch of a new set of Sustainable Development Goals to be implemented worldwide. Unlike the previous Millennium Development Goals which they replace, the 2030 SDGs have been developed through a process that included input from all 193 states.

Over 500 goals were considered over three years to arrive at the final list of 17 goals and 169 associated targets. The new SDGs are aimed at stimulating action over the next 15 years towards building a more equitable and sustainable world. A UN spokesman outlined the key challenges to success: the need to change work methods and mindsets to operate with partners and outside “silos;” the need to do more to follow up to ensure what has been promised is being implemented; and the need to build capacities with countries that need it. A report on previous MDGs found that, along with much progress, there were still gaps in official development assistance and insufficient access to markets, affordable medicines, and new technologies, gaps to be filled by the new 2030 SDGs.

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