• 10年前
本期精彩 - 偶像开启农夫模式舞龙哪家强? 谢娜蔡少芬搭档寻宝反目斗嘴拼老公......
Up Idol EP9 Highlight: Idols' farm working mood is on; dragon dance competition, which is the best team? Nana Xie team up with Ada Choi hunting for treasures, end up with husband comparison.

Up Idol is the Idol reality show broadcast by Hunan TV in 2015. The show host by He Jiong and Wang Han, invited 10 the most popular celebrities as participants they are: Brigitte Li, Athena Chu, Yuing Yang, Ado Choi, Nana Xie, Liying Zhao, Ning Jing, Na Zha, Baby Zhang and Ouyang Nana.

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