• 10年前
本期精彩 - 偶像团复古之旅,穿旗袍演绎上海滩豪门恩怨!宁静上海话买菜被忽悠,娘娘惊喜庆生感动哭!
EP. 11 Highlight: Idol crew go on a retro tour by wearing "qipao", a unique Chinese dress, to perform a scene from the famous TV show "The Bund". Ning Jing uses Shanghai dialect to purchase groceries. Ada cries in joy as she receives a surprise birthday celebration.

【订阅湖南卫视官方频道Subscribe Hunan TV Channel: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW】

Up Idol is the Idol reality show broadcast by Hunan TV in 2015. The show host by He Jiong and Wang Han, invited 10 the most popular celebrities as participants they are: Brigitte Li, Athena Chu, Yuing Yang, Ado Choi, Nana Xie, Liying Zhao, Ning Jing, Na Zha, Baby Zhang and Ouyang Nana.

更新时间: 每周六
Update time: Every Saturday

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