More : An 11-year-old boy has had his right arm amputated after it was nearly torn off by a tiger in a zoo in southern Brazil. He was at .
A lion tries to attack a boy at the zoo but is stopped by the glass. For more hilarious pet videos check out Follow Petsami on Twitter .
Lion killed young boy in delhi.
A Lion a the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita Kansas attempts to attack a boy. Its a good thing for the thick glass. This is the most aggressive Ive seen the Lions .
A lion tries to attack a boy at the zoo but is stopped by the glass. For more hilarious pet videos check out Follow Petsami on Twitter .
Lion killed young boy in delhi.
A Lion a the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita Kansas attempts to attack a boy. Its a good thing for the thick glass. This is the most aggressive Ive seen the Lions .