• 10 years ago
Many people are looking to melt fat, they are always looking for the latest tips to locally reduce fat which is housed in various locations of the body. They devote so much time and attention to exercises that are supposed to work on specific muscle groups in hopes of a fat melting but many give up quickly because of time or willpower.

If you're one of those people trying to get fit but found nothing really effective, then we have the solution for you. Perhaps you did not like the taste of this amazing drink, but many people who have tried, indicated that due to him, they were able to lose weight in an incredible way.

Once we have made the list of ingredients used in the preparation of this drink, we will explain why this recipe melts the fat.


- 1 tablespoon apple juice soup.
- 1 tablespoon hot pepper.
- The organic lemon juice.


Take lemon zest and cover with 240 ml of hot water.

After 10 minutes, add the lemon juice, apple juice, and hot pepper. Stir well before every sip, and drink this drink after every meal.

How can this drink melt fat?

Pepper improves digestion and metabolism and stimulates the process of fat burning. Namely, 'capsaicin', an ingredient found in hot peppers, stimulates the nervous system to produce heat in the body, which stimulates calorie burning process.

Lemon contains the only ingredient that slows the deposition of fat, and lemon zest contains "policosanol", beneficial in the process of fat burning.

Keeping the motivation to lose weight: 10 tips

It is not always easy to stay motivated to lose weight. Here are 10 tips to stay motivated during weight loss:

1) Take pictures regularly to your weight loss progress
2) Empty your wardrobe loose clothing that you put before chasing the overweight
3) Get involved in communities to combat overweight on the Internet
4) Find a partner to do physical exercise
5) Change your exercise program
6) Getting enough sleep
7) Find the reasons why you want to slim down.
8) Set a realistic weight loss goal
9) Buy and read health magazines
10) Keep in mind that you lose weight for yourself
