So easy it should be illegal. Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! MUSIC Allure Amour Licensed via Warner .\r
Click ( to SUBSCRIBE for more BOLD recipes! Make homemade ice cream with no machine and only 2 ingredients! VISIT my .\r
Follow Mya on social media: Make any flavor of ice cream in just 30 minutes with Mya, the Full-Time Kid! Meet Mya! Shes a full-time kid .\r
Get the recipe at Dont have an ice cream freezer? Learn how to make creamy, delicious ice cream with just two .
Click ( to SUBSCRIBE for more BOLD recipes! Make homemade ice cream with no machine and only 2 ingredients! VISIT my .\r
Follow Mya on social media: Make any flavor of ice cream in just 30 minutes with Mya, the Full-Time Kid! Meet Mya! Shes a full-time kid .\r
Get the recipe at Dont have an ice cream freezer? Learn how to make creamy, delicious ice cream with just two .