
  • 9 years ago
Don't worry, i'm sure it's just a coincidence that they post in Ask The donald, The Donald and also post moronic things.
[]But the binge-buying! The binge-buying!

If I am alone and reread a book I liked which has a sequel, I'll remember "I could be reading the sequel RIGHT NOW WITH ONE CLICK..." and then again and again...
[]well yeah, there are degrees of severity of abuse. My only point is that consumers of child porn partake in their own form of abuse.
[]Don't forget frogs and lizards. After I got my two kittens, I no longer have to listen to the asshole tree frogs making noise all night outside my window.
[]Did you just assume his Father's species?
[]War For*.
[]Yeah but I dont always have weed. :(
[]Tripple wrap it bro. They tell you not to double wrap because they may damage each other from wearing out. So by tripple wrapping, you have that backup 3rd condom incase 2 of them damage each other. Thats how it works right?
[]Death at a Funeral. Original British version, not the remake with Martin Lawrence.
[]I think you missed a joke.
[]CBD has no psychoactive effect though so if you wanna get high why smoke more cbd? Unless you just generally have anxiety or epilepsy or PTSD or something like that I can't see any you'd smoke something with more CBD and less THC recreationally.
[]Haha... Good songs? I think what is good to me, may not suit the tastes of the average listener. I'm a fan of outsider music. But and while yes, to brag, I know a lot about music...

Classical fan? Find Henryk Gorecki's "Symphony No. 3." It's a piece of classical music that drives me to tears, and I'm not even a huge classical fan. It's long though, fair warning.

More punchy and upbeat? I love the Constantines. Check out "Some Party." When the album came out a hundred reviewers said it sounded like Bruce Springsteen married Fugazi.

Something more shocking? How about Prurient's "Myth of Building Bridges" which I would call a good intro to anti-music/industrial.

I imagine you're more of the alternative demographic, in which case Hum's "Downward Is Heavenward" album is the best I know of. "Green to Me" is my song of choice.

I'm not so good when it comes to older, classic rock stuff, but Kansas "Carry On My Wayward Son" has a fat place in my heart and not everyone knows it.

I could go on with this all night. If you seriously want suggestions from this stranger, give more specific requests. :D
[]He didn't
[]Hahah oh I bet
[]I think you can see heritage with testing (not absolutely positive) but you might look into it.
[]I think everything you saw that night including the man in the mask was paranormal
[]It would be awesome if harsh economic conditions and/or lazy people didn't exist. What do you think the world would be like if no one was obese?
[]I put more than 50% of my income into savings as well.
[]Thanks for watching
[]I have some serious temperament issues and instead of blowing hundreds of dollars on therapy I smoke occasionally. About a pack a week. Keeps me from strangling people that ask stupid questions
[]You'll have to excuse him, he's a little horse...