Crash For Cash Scammer Or Just An Utter Useless Driver

  • 8 years ago
They aren't for constantly turning off snooze on your alarm clock nine-thousand times until you realize that you only have half an hour to get ready and drive to work?
[]This year, I wouldn't even question it.
[] your home.
[]should people in diamond houses throw stones?
[]You can still watch it now.

No one will give you shit for it because it's Mr. Rogers.
[]TIL Canada still has Fruitopia.
[]I think it indirect abuse because he is consuming a product where the product is child abuse. Not the method at which he acquires the medium or whether or not it is paid for. He actively sought out this material thus giving the offenders a platform.
[]"Judge not, or let Ye be judged" but yet when I feel judged by a person these days, my immediate question is "what church do you go to?" them "how did you know I'm Christian?" Bottom line is it is a book of standards. A book of standards that people consult to correct their own misgivings. Eventually those people forget they have any and them simply judge others by that standard.
[]Honestly, if you've got to play something, start with either MGS1 or MGS2. If you try to go back after playing the others, it just feels really weird. No free camera, clunky controls (though this particular issue is there all the way up until Peace Walker), and (for some) dated graphics.

MGS1 especially, since you can't even really aim downsight with a regular gun.

However, I also think the first three are the strongest in the series in regards to story.
[]As a woman, I'm a fan. Lube is key. Lube in the shower is orgasm city.
[]Sounds kinda like Blade Symphony
[]I read your comment dipshit. I apologized for my mistake. I checked the picture the first time on a quick break at work and I missed the cartridge.
[]Is it the Dick Cheney thing? Was he a hero?
[]Honestly that is one of the stupidest rules I've ever heard.
[]Anything hurricane related
[]I dunno, have you seen movies lately?
[]Absolutely. Bought it for $20 a while back and absolutely got my money's worth.
[]Over 1000$ total of cash in separate incidences gameboy advance sp
[]I moved out at 18 to live with 5 housemates.

parents couldn't afford to subsidise my living expenses
5 housemates was better than 1.5 hour each way commute

[]That's more of a TIL...

... at least, for someone else.

Also, in the heat of the moment it can be tricky to grab an ear.
You know I was being facetious, right?

...that would've required reading more than two sentences of your comment, which for some reason at the time I thought to be too bothersome. I'm gonna go with laziness...
[]Although I agree with you, what we have here is a weird grey area. I myself am very big into realism and accuracy, but the problem that gets me in is that I than have to try and stay consistent with that thinking throughout, and often Hollywood fluctuate when they want to be realistic and when they go rogue.

This movie for example appears to be pushing the fantasy element quite hard. In that case, I have to suspend a lot of my thinking in order to enjoy such a film. This boob plate issue I'd be much more critical of if that sci-fi movie was trying to be more grounded in reality (eg. Edge Of Tomorrow.) Valerian I'd put more into the pile with Lost In Space.

I'd be willing to bet the female lead here is going to be doing things more associated with MMA fighters or powerlifters, so I'll let a lot of that go for this movie. But if this movie goes in the other direction and conscientiously tries to ground the film in realism, then I'll lose immersion.
[]It'll hit about the time their power goes out.
[]My brother convinced me to get a hydroflask and it's amazing. My water stays ice cold even after staying in a 100 degree car all day. Great investment

