AdapterAdapter - EP - Night Terrors - Music Video

  • 9 years ago
AdapterAdapter is a heavy blue's / rock combo that simply sound amazing, this two man band lay down the blues like they were born into it, Nick Ryder ( Vocals/Guitar/Blues Harp) and Jim Schultz (Drums) are truly what you would call musicians in this day and age, This track is from their AdapterAdapter EP entitled Night Terrors with the Video being produced to there master track by yours truly T.C.E.L Recognition, enjoy!

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T.C.E.L Recognition has been granted copy right use of the AdapterAdapter ART and Audio files from both "AdapterAdapter EP" and AdapterAdapter Album " Shes Alive" granted by Nick Ryder & Jim Schultz all rights reserved.

PD File used - Fear in The Night -
