Hell Born Death Engines - Villains - (Official V.R.M.V)

  • 9 years ago
Video Produced By: T.C.E.L Recognition
Music Produced By: H.B.D.E now known as Illyrian

Scott Onofrychuk - Guitar, Lead Vocals
Brandon McNeil - Guitars, Harsh Vocals
Jeff Perry - Bass
Darren May - Drums

Illyrian (Official Face Book)



All stories need evil, they need their villains
Faces of doom bringing balance to sense
A handful of figures always seem to stick out
From the rest, they show what it’s all about

He was the leader of a band of thieves
Who took over Hyrule, bringing hell’s reprieve
Dark sorcerer, great armored king
Morbid times on the upswing

They came to slay
Defile and betray
They came to kill
Slaughtering at will
They came to rule
Merciless, oh so cruel
They came to dictate
To pillage and desecrate

We cheer for villains
We fist pump for the hellions
We love the bad guys
Can’t wait, protagonist demise

Psycho power, undefeatable,
This place shall become your grave
Your soul is irretrievable
Seemingly immortal, can never be killed
Akuma tried, Ryu failed

Solo (Onofrychuk)

Repeat chorus x2

Need a production contact us @ www.tcelrecognition.ca
