• 9 years ago
Pranayama is extremely beneficial for children, young, middle aged and old people. Other exercises are not recommended for weak and patients' suffering from tuberculosis, heart disease, epilepsy, intestinal problems etc. the patients of bone disorder, swelling, cirrhosis, paralysis and handicapped people should also not do exercises. But everybody can practice pranayama irrespective of the age and problems. The diseases are cured and provide good health. Tough asanas cannot be done but pranayama can be practiced easily. Generally, tough exercises makes the person dull headed but pranayama increases the intelligence. It has been seen the wrestlers generally have low IQ. It makes the person intelligent; the person becomes capable of grasping minute things and improves the reflexes. It arouses the intuitive power hence pranayama is useful in all ways, Pranayama is simple and easy to practice. It also does not require much time and gives more benefits.
