Kriya yoga is described by its practitioners as the ancient yoga system revived in modern times. The system consists of a number of levels of Pranayama based on techniques that are intended to rapidly accelerate spiritual development and engender a profound state of tranquility and God-communion. In modern times what has been described as Kriya Yoga was brought into popular awareness. The system consists of a number of levels of Pranayama based on techniques that are intended to rapidly accelerate spiritual development and engender a profound state of tranquility and God-communion. The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. One half-minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment.
Yoga practices can make us more and more sensitive to subtle sensations in the body. Paying attention to and staying with finer sensations within the body is one of the surest ways to steady the wandering mind. Yoga Arena provides you with the best videos of yoga asanas, pranayam, meditation and many more exercises to bring back the fitness and healthy living for everyone.
Yoga practices can make us more and more sensitive to subtle sensations in the body. Paying attention to and staying with finer sensations within the body is one of the surest ways to steady the wandering mind. Yoga Arena provides you with the best videos of yoga asanas, pranayam, meditation and many more exercises to bring back the fitness and healthy living for everyone.