Pranayama For Asthma - Breathing Exercise - Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

Yog Sadhana Tamil

by Yog Sadhana Tamil

Pranayam is a form of breathing exercise which ensures that you have an organized breathing pattern within and also gives you inner stretch t make a healthier body and a stable mind.

Meaning :

Prana means life force and ayama means to lengthen or stretch. So Pranayam means strengthening the life force.

History :

This form of yoga lies in the ancient lands and historical tales of India where this was a major ritual performed by the rishis of yore.

Technique :

Breathe in deeply through the nostrils.
Now feel the diaphragm move upwards and downwards and the let the lungs expand.
Now take the abdomen out and feel the chest expand with the collar bone coming up last.
Now exhale and through the nostrils. Everything should be reverse of the earlier step.
Repeat the process and the see to it that the chest expands when you inhale and deflates when you breathe out.

Tips :

Beginners are advised to start slowly as this could result in hyperventilation.

Benefits :

Pranayam cleanses the internal system.
It also maintains the air tracts very well and is essential for treating other stress related disorders.
Pranayam has various forms. You should know which is good for you.
Pranayam is also good for cardiopulmonary functions and when practised regularly it causes a changed in the existing system.

Care and Caution :

it is advisable be disciplined in care and technique while performing his asana. Pranayam is also helpful for toes that are high blood pressure but it is better to do it under medical advice.

Pranayam is a form of yoga exercise, which is good for treating asthma. As asthma involves regulating a particular breath patterns, it is important to perform Pranayam with a lot of discipline.