Bhujangasana For Asthma - Exercise For Back Pain - Treatment, Tips & Cure in Tamil

Yog Sadhana Tamil

by Yog Sadhana Tamil

Bhujangasana is a yogic pose, which is very good for the chest and the spine and also gives you a toned body and is ideal for relief from fatigue and stress.

Meaning :

Bhujanga means snake or serpent and asana means seat or pose. So bhujangasana means the cobra or serpent pose.

History :

Historical texts show evidence that bhujangasana increases the heat in the body and thus destroys the diseases and awakens the kundalini.

Technique :

Lie on the stomach and keep your hands behind like a pillow. Touch the toes together and breathe deeply pressing the abdomen on the floor.
Release the hands and keep them under the shoulders with the palms facing downwards.
Keep the elbows tucked into the body.
Keep the legs together with the heels close to each other.
Now put your forehead to the ground.
Take a deep breath, put your head forward, and roll upwards with the back, neck and head.
Feel the movement of a snake upwards then you can do it with ease.
The back muscles stretch during this time and keep it in position until you do not feel you can strain anymore.
The head should be up shoulders behind and the abdomen pressing against the floor.
To come out of the cobra pose, do everything the opposite way. Exhale and then roll down the chest and then the forehead to the floor. Then come back to resting position and make a pillow with the hands.

Benefits :

Bhujangasana is good for relief from fatigue and stress and eases the muscles in the chest, shoulders and the spine.
It helps in killing any ailment within by producing heat as mentioned above.
Massages all the organs of the internal system.
It Helps in solving menstrual problems, improves concentration and aids in everyday life.

With all these benefits in tow bhujangasana gives the best benefits for those suffering from asthma as it relaxes the mind, body and soul.