How To Do Yoga Tadasana for Kids Growth and Height

  • 8 years ago
The foundation of all standing yoga asanas. The alignment found in Tadasana pose is also used in all other standing poses.

Tadasana means Palm Tree Pose. In this yogasana, the body remains erect and the person gazed towards sky, so also termed as heavenly pose. Tadasana enables entire spinal column stretched and loosens from top to bottom thereby helps in healthy spine. Tadasana is a very beneficial yoga for right stretching of spine and also helps to correct posture. All these processes of straightening of spine show good result for height. Thus, Tadasana is considered as one of the best yoga poses to increase height among growing children.

Benefits of Tadasana :
1) Tadasana is effective in stretching of nerves and muscles thereby balancing the functions for various organs of the body.
2) Tadasana is very important for healthy spine, toning abdominal organs and muscles, also helps to increase height.
3) It develops a sense of balance.
4) It also toned up other muscles
5) It helps to sciatica patients.
6) Tadasana makes your toes stronger.
