Sarvangasana - Yoga Excercise for Asthma - English

  • 9 years ago
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) is an inverted Yogasana (pose) and is also called the "queen of Yogasanas. This exercise is recommended by physicians and therapists from all across the globe for patients of asthma, infertility and sinusitis. You start by lying on your back then raising your legs and lower body off the floor with your hands supporting your mid-back. Eventually you take your legs all the way up so that they are perpendicular to the ceiling. At this point you should gaze at your toes.

Benefits :
• Stretches your spine, neck and shoulders
• Stimulates your abdominal organs prostate and thyroid glands and
• Results in better digestion
• Relieves menopausal symptoms
• Eases tension and fatigue relieve stress and tension
• Alleviates insomnia
• Highly therapeutic for infertility, sinusitis and asthma

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