As Trump Wins, the Mainstream G.O.P. Is Left to Muddle On

  • 8 years ago
Republican leaders, who had hoped to bring a swift and orderly resolution to the party's presidential primaries, have all but abandoned hope that the nomination will be decided without a long and costly fight stretching well into the spring.
Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary dashed those hopes.
Despite strenuous efforts to overtake Donald J. Trump, none of his mainstream Republican opponents stood out from the pack.
Now, they are left to muddle forward with no particular momentum into the next contests, in South Carolina and Nevada.
If any strong alternative to Mr. Trump is to emerge, senior Republicans say, it will most likely come only after a long nomination fight, spanning dozens of states and costing many millions of dollars.
At this stage, his most formidable rival appears to be Ted Cruz, the hard-right Texas senator who won last week’s Iowa caucuses, and who is even less acceptable to traditional party leaders than Mr. Trump.


