Deadly hit and run High Desert Calif. 2,short,vids

  • 8 years ago
Just a few hours ago, my wife and I were on our way home from lunch and saw all the red and blue lights that you guys love. I asked her to pull over so I could make this video. We just heard from our local news that the guy in the gold Subaru was at fault and ran from the scene. The red car had a single mother, 40yrs old. She was the lone occupant of the car and died at the scene.
They are flying 2-3 copters around the neighborhood as I write this looking for the punk driver that fled the accident. The lady was hit at high speed and t-boned right in the drivers side. NO brake marks at the intersection until impact marks.
The lesson here is.. even though you have a green light, that doesn't mean it's all clear. People drive too fast around here ALL the time. And I'm guessing the gold car was stolen. Hard to believe the owner would run from the accident.
Sorry about the BLOOD AND GUTS but in the USA, we cover the dead. You can see her covered body in front seat area of the red "car".

If I put them in the correct order... #1 is us pulling up to the accident and #2 is a short of the aftermath. Please slow down and pay attention.. Your GREEN light may kill you.